“My son Tanner had severe oral apraxia -so we had to work on drinking from a straw too. Even though there are other methods -here are the key things I found to be awesome for tricking his body into drinking from a straw.”
There are therapies to help a child work on drinking from a straw and there are special cups and straws you can purchase to help. But here are some simple things you can try first. My son Tanner had severe oral apraxia -so we had to work on drinking from a straw too. Even though there are other methods -here are the key things I found to be awesome for tricking his body into drinking from a straw. (tricking – is a great word to put to use in regards to apraxia)
- Use the juice boxes and put the straw in -and squeeze the juice box so the juice goes up the straw to get him started. You can also do this by putting little straws into the puddings, apple sauce and kid yogurts they now have in tubes.
- Cut the straw really really short. All they need then is a tiny bit of suction and the liquid comes up. Gradually cut the straw less.
- Have your child dip the straw into the liquid and then put their finger over the top of the straw and lift the straw up out of the liquid. Their finger will keep the liquid from coming out -but have them let go and they’ll see the liquid come out. Help them do this and bring it to their mouth. Probably best to do with water or outside!
- It’s all motor planning if it’s apraxia. So once you get it into their motor memory (through repetition while they are having fun with it and not feeling forced -they’ll get it.) Once they get it -make it tougher and tougher by…getting them milkshakes and giving them that with thin straws. They’ll need to work to get the shake! Besides -once they can drink something as thick as a milkshake through a straw -drinking just about any other liquid is a cake walk.
Oral Motor Dysfunction Therapies And Tips