Study has implications for reducing harsh verbal parenting and poor child behavior. Even though this study did not go into hereditary influence or influence from interaction; nature or nurture, or focus on the father, there are implications that the greater emotional control and problem-solving abilities a mother has, the less likely her children will develop…
How To Teach A Child With Apraxia To Ride A Bike
How do you teach a child with apraxia to ride a bike? The same way to get to Carnegie Hall. practice, practice, practice (plus a few more tips below) Question: I am wondering if anyone has some ideas that would help me teach my almost 7-year-old, Jaeden, to ride a bike. He has moderate-severe verbal…
Oral Based Hearing Impaired Schools
Because schools for the hearing impaired, and in particular oral based schools for the hearing impaired, have been an appropriate preschool placement for so many with apraxia, the following list is being shared which was available online through the Oberkotter Foundation to around 2014. From this list my son Tanner attended preschool at the Summit Speech School…
Be Part Of The Late Talker Book Sequel
I am Lisa Geng, mom of 2 boys that were both late talkers, Founder and President of the 501c3 Cherab Foundation, and coauthor of The Late Talker book. I’m currently working with a team doing some research for a sequel book to The Late Talker and will be sending out a series of short surveys to…
Letter To Relatives This Holiday For Special Needs
Holidays can be stressful for all when you have children with special needs Even though this letter to family written by author Viki Gayhardt was written for autism, you can modify it for whatever your child’s special needs are including apraxia, ADHD or any other invisible impairment. “Dear Family and Friends: I understand that we…
The True Story Of Witches Brew
If you had congenital heart disease and a doctor said you just need to take foxglove but you read from individuals online ” You have to go to gypsies who will make witches brew for you. You can’t just drink the brew you have to chant and dance around the cauldron in the light of the…
The Importance of Omega 6 Including GLA An Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient
“Along with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, and normal growth and development. As a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), omega-6s help stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system.” Recently I’ve had a rise in questions on Omega 6…
Appropriate Testing Of An Essentially Nonverbal Child
Summary of assessment procedures Children with significant language and motor skills delays by Robert E. Friedle, Ph.D. Clinical/Neuropsychologist Children may have learned to problem-solve and reason in ways that are not assessed by formalized evaluations and are only recognizable when the child is allowed to experience sensory information in a manner most productive to them. It is…
Flavonoids In Blueberries Boost Brainpower, Study Finds
Flavonoids boost brain power and may also improve focus and attention. Like other phytonutrients, flavonoids, found naturally in almost all plants including fruits, vegetables, and Ayurvedic botanicals, are powerful antioxidants which have been associated with a wide range of health benefits. A double blind trial found that children who consumed a flavonoid-rich drink had 9% quicker reaction times on a…
Activities To Help Your Child Learn About Language
“Have a special place for books, magazines, and other reading materials in the home. Your child should be able to reach books without help in a reading corner and in other places around the home. “ What Many Children Do In Language Age What many children do… If you have concerns about your child’s development,…