Canaries In The Coal Mine By Lisa Geng 9/11/03 Speech disorders and learning disabilities did not run in either my mom or dad’s family. Genius runs in my mom’s side of the family. Most people assume if you grew up across the street from factories you are in low-income housing not -in NJ. In the…
Charlie Chuong’s 13th Birthday Party Invitation
“Charlie just wants a friend,” says his dad, Pierre Chuong. “He has been with the same small group of autistic boys in a self-contained classroom since the 3rd grade, is known as, ‘the boy that doesn’t talk, ‘and hasn’t found anyone he can call a friend.” Let’s let Charlie know he’s worth getting to know!…
Yikes! The scary reality of microplastics in breast milk
We all know that plastic pollution is a huge problem. It’s in our oceans, our landfills, and now, according to a new study, it’s in our breast milk. That’s right—researchers have found microplastics in human breast milk for the first time. And while we don’t yet know the full extent of the health impacts of…
Studies finds EPA and GLA more important than DHA for cognition
The results of the current research reveal that 26 wk of supplementation with EPA-rich oil improved global cognitive function in terms of both speed and accuracy, compared with placebo and DHA-rich oil. EPA-rich oil also significantly increased the accuracy of performing all the memory tasks compared with the DHA-rich oil. he American Journal of Clinical…
You are what you eat, sometimes that’s hard to digest
There are reasons why dietary supplements may be beneficial for some. Examples include:• Those with a poor diet may benefit from taking a multivitamin.• Those with milk allergies may benefit from taking calcium and vitamin D• Those who don’t eat fish may benefit from taking Omega 3s• Vegans may benefit from taking vitamin B12• Pregnant…
10 Reasons To Contact Early Intervention
If you’re like most parents, you want what’s best for your child. And if you’re concerned about your child’s development, you may be wondering if Early Intervention is the right choice for them. In this article, we’ll discuss what Early Intervention is and how it can help children who are experiencing developmental delays. We’ll also…
Bruce Willis And Aphasia Vs. Apraxia
Actor Bruce Willis, 67, is is leaving the Hollywood scene and retiring from acting after being diagnosed with aphasia.. While nobody yet is sharing why, it opened up conversations about this communication impairment. What is aphasia? What are the causes and treatments? And because our nonprofit focuses on communication impairemtns in children and so many…
Cherab Foundation Research
We are personally inviting you to be part of a Cherab Foundation research study by answering a few simple questions. (you can remain anonymous if you choose) Please answer the survey put together by the research webmasters to learn what YOU want from the new Cherab Foundation website to help the children you care for who have…
Growing Up With Apraxia In The Netherlands
I share my story to create more awareness. In the Netherlands, there are still many parents whose children have been diagnosed, but do not know what the future will bring. Jessica Huttinga, 21 years old, grew up with apraxia since preschool Hello everyone, My name is Jessica Huttinga, I am 21 years old and I…
Why Christmas Canon Makes Me Tear Up
Hearing children sing so beautifully when my two children couldn’t even say simple sounds was just heartbreaking. Lisa Geng Music is so powerful. Recent studies have demonstrated increased activity in brain regions associated with emotion and reward when listening to pleasurable music. Hearing a song you haven’t heard in years or even decades can bring…